Yet another website

2 min read

Hello reader! Thank you for taking the time to open this first article on my website. I understand time is precious in 2024, but rest assured, I will not take more than a few minutes of your time. So let’s get down to business.

Why would anyone build a website and a blog in 2024? I asked this myself while contemplating between posting on social media and re-activating my medium account. But then I realized I want to have full control over my content. Control has become a luxury in a way, as content consumption is done mainly through social medias. And I understand this is a big drawback for me, as less people will see these paragraphs in the end. However, I’m drawn by this core idea of owning the content and controlling its distribution. Might explore this in detail and what triggered it in a subsequent article.

My plan is to write about: web development, UI/UX, the tech industry as a whole and about organizing events and community involvement. And I will definitely showcase interesting code examples and practices I come across in my daily work.

Of course, it’s 2024 and we have to address the elephant in the room. And with it, my first “hot take”. No, I did not and will not use generative AI to write my articles. I’m not here to add tons of generated content on the internet for SEO and clicks. This is not an anti-technologist talking. I love coding assistants like GitHub Copilot and Codeium. My go to app for refining my writing is Hemingway Editor. But should we “outsource” the creative part behind writing to algorithms? Generating ideas is a deeply human characteristic and it should remain this way.

That’s about it. Hope you enjoyed reading through my reasons and plans for this website. Looking forward to seeing you next time for more “code bites”.